Psychology and Games

The “Cognition Filter” in Lobotomy Corporation: How censorship saves your mind

Lobotomy Corporation is probably the closest example to a SCP game, without being exactly based on any SCP. The Korean game is a management simulation where the player is in charge of developing and maintaining an electric company. However, there is only a small caveat in this job: the company generates energy from imprisoned anomalies. From abnormal fairytales to grotesque abominations, the facility has more than 70 different creatures to work with. And the more incomprehensible and dangerous an anomaly is, the higher the energy produced. Lobotomy Corporation is a game imbued with lore, where every anomaly has tons of information to unlock by understanding and interacting more with them. However, the smallest error could lead to catastrophic reactions since the anomalies can breach their cell to bring havoc in the facility. And we are not talking of normal attacks, but of a multitude of devastating events, from a bird-like creature judging with a scale and hanging all the sinners to a grotesque “Santa Klaus” throwing guts and organs around as gifts while sending insane the workers.

As manager of this company, the AI helping you will immediately tell you to not get attached to the employees. They are disposable, and a lot of them will brutally die, committing suicide after a panic attack or being brutally ripped by a breached anomaly. Between all this madness, indifference, and brutality, how will the manager survive? Of course thanks to the Cognition Filter. If you see any screenshots of Lobotomy Corporation, you realize how the style is far more cuter than creepy. The employees look like cute dolls, and also several abnormalities are far more adorable than they should be. Sure, the game can get quite violent, brutal, and disturbing, but while still featuring this cute art-style.

The Cognition Filter enters at this point. During one of the many cutscenes, the player (or manager) will suddenly see a far more brutal image of dead employees, with more realistic art. The AI suddenly apologizes, explaining how there was a glitch in the filter. So here lies the absolutely shocking truth of Lobotomy Corporation, a brilliant twist changing the entire view of the game. Even the manager inside the game sees the employees only as cute dolls on their screen, and this is because of the Cognition Filter. The cartoonish style is not a simple tool, but the application of the Cognition Filter focused on protecting and “de-sensitizing” the manager, and with them the player. Instead of seeing real employees brutally killed every single day, the manager will only see those dolls dying. But this is only a construct of the AIs to make the employees feel even more disposable, a construct to “protect” the sanity of the manager, which will mind less every death. This also implies that the violence and brutality of the game, including several disturbing ways for the anomalies to kill, is far less shocking than reality. Meaning that deaths are far more brutal than how they appear.

The Cognition Filter is in effect for everything, not only the employees but especially the anomalies. So if their true appearance is filtered to be less disturbing, which is the real form of disturbing beings able to send the weak employees insane just by looking at them, such as Nothing There or the Mountain of Smiling Bodies? This thinking goes both ways, not only to imagine the even more disturbing look of the most grotesque abominations, but also to think if the “cute” anomalies such as Laetitia or the Queen of Hatred have indeed that appearance. With a very brief description, the Cognition Filter created infinite possibilities for reimagining the game, making the player question what they saw till now. This reminds me of Silent Hill 3, specifically the famous Vincent’s quote “Are they monsters to you?” that still haunts players. With a very simple sentence, Vincent makes the player question the entire game, where probably they were killing people and not monsters.

Sometimes, in the disturbing world of Lobotomy Corporation, even the Cognition Filter is not enough to protect the manager’s mind. For this reason, other forms of safety measures are in use, including redacting texts and images. An example is Nothing There, a terrifying and grotesque abomination made of random body parts stitched together. Oh, and this without considering how the creature can literally wear the skin of the killed people, and transform its body into an even more grotesque humanoid form when breaching out of containment. Even in its disturbing appearance, the Cognition Filter is still able to provide a “cuter” version of this abomination. However, when checking the information sheet of Nothing There, the portrait in the encyclopedia, usually a close-in of the creature, is absent. Instead, an empty image saying “DO NOT OPEN, this [REDACTED]” replaces it. This could probably imply that even the Cognition Filter is not strong enough to shield the manager’s mind from a close-up of the grotesque creature.

Another small example, this time focused on redacting the text, is about Laetitia. This anomaly takes the appearance of a little girl dressed in Gothic clothes. She is always happy and doesn’t want to escape. However, she is constantly talking about how she likes to give gifts to her friends, and how everybody likes her. She is really obsessed with giving her gifts to people. However, when reading the guidelines about Laetitia, the information about her gift or friend is always redacted. But when the guidelines say about a XXX that burst out of somebody’s body, you surely know why her gift got redacted. In fact, people gifted by Laetitia will have a grotesque spider full of eyes bursting out of their bodies, in an unexpected and grotesque scene.

However, I left the most direct and disturbing example of an ineffective Cognition Filter for last. CENSORED is an abnormality so disturbing that even the Cognition Filter is not enough to keep the mind of the manager intact. For this reason, cameras recording CENSORED have an extra filter, and the body of the creature is never shown. Instead, a group of censored bars cover the creature’s body, hiding the abomination but still shaping its body to provide an extra layer of forbidden knowledge. Only the toughest employee can survive the sight of the creature without going insane, and it is implied that several managers didn’t survive the view of the creature before applying the censored bars. When CENSORED breaches out, it will assume a more four-legged anatomy. When it kills an employee, the scene is so brutal that it is also completely censored, with only an explosion of guts and blood visible. After that, a smaller CENSORED creature is generated. The most disturbing detail? It is implied that during the killing, CENSORED is breeding/reproducing using the victims… definitively something that no Cognition Filter can shield you from.

Do not make that puppet angry: what happens when you break the night curfew in “Smile For Me”

A place where everybody just wants to be happy set in a world of colours: Habitat is the name of a mysterious community where sad people go to try to discover again how to smile, a sort of surreal rehab for unhappy people. The player must help different characters, including kids, a photographer, or a clown, to be happy again. So why the place looks like hiding a creepy secret? Maybe because the doctor in charge only shows himself to people as a puppet? The world of Smile for Me is full of secrets, weird characters, and small creepy details. You can check more in the big article about towns with a dark secret here: Towns with a Dark Secret: the most hermetic, cryptic, and bizarre communities at the core of open-world games [Updated October 2021].

Smile for Me also feature a day/night cycle, where you can help people during the day and must run back to bed during the night. In fact, this is because the mad doctor established a curfew for everybody on the island. When night approaches, the screen will get more and more distorted, and the sound more muffled. Since that, the player has around one minute to go back to bed to wake up the next day. Failing to do that will have very uncomfortable consequences.

Every time you miss the curfew, a very creepy video will play. They are always real videos, of low quality, where somebody is just recording dark and disturbing places. Sometimes it is just a corridor engulfed in darkness, while other times a forest at night or a dirty hole in the wall. The doctor will silently speak to the player through writing above the videos. Often, the messages have no connection with the creepy video behind them. In the beginning, the doctor will just warn you not to break the curfew, but later on, his warnings will get far more creepy. For example, the doctor will point at something in the darkness as if you are not alone. Can you truly see something through the darkness? However, the most disturbing detail is when the pissed doctor will remind you about how you come back at night after breaking the curfew. Who is bringing you home and tucking you in bed?

The disturbing videos playing at night add another layer of surreal uneasiness. Plus, the mysterious atmosphere is enhanced by the intentional lack of information regarding hidden gameplay elements, which will definitively worry the player. How many times can I break the curfew before something really bad happens? What will happen after breaking the curfew for the last time? Because if it is true that by sleeping late, you will also wake up later, having less time to solve quests, on the other hand, it is unclear what the long-term effect is.

These are only a part of the open questions that will cross the mind of new players while trying to solve the mystery behind Habitat and the doctor in charge. I will not spoil more about what will happen after breaking too many curfews, but if you are curious, you can check the following video on the Surreal and Creepy YouTube channel:

Monster of the Week: Alice (Killer is Dead)

Origin: Killer is Dead

Appearance: This action game created by the crazy mind of Suda51 hides a truly disturbing and upsetting boss. Alice is the first proper boss in the game, painted even before meeting her as a bloodthirsty monster. She lives in a house completely twisted and out-of-reality, with upside-down rooms, and eldritch architecture. Of course, the creature will completely reflect this insanity. The girl will go through a grotesque and painful mutation, something that could be out of a horror movie or a game such as Parasite Eve, where grotesque FMV transformations were a standard. Her face will rotate like if she is possessed, while her back will burn for the pain. Then, the mutation will become visual. Her body will twist and morph in a fountain of blood, while purple gigantic limbs will rip out from her body. The upper body will face the protagonist while reversed in a really disturbing way, while the lower body will sort of multiply creating a caterpillar-like figure. Seriously, this creature will be terrifying even in a proper survival-horror. She will attack with the giant arms, and will also crawl around the room like a cockroach, spitting acid. But this is not all, and after the main character will cut her arms, the creature will mutate even further. An additional insect head will erupt from Alice’s body, creating now an even more nightmarish creature. The monster will now generate grotesque creatures, sort of spider-like abominations made entirely of her head. If you watched Carpenter’s The Thing you know what to expect.

Symbolism: Alice lives in a twisted and eldritch apartment, a place without any logic and escaping the laws of reality. Because everything there is a reflection of how Alice’s mind truly is: a broken and insane place. At the beginning of the level, Alisa presents herself as Alice’s sister but, in the end, this is all a lie. Alice is the only person living in this flat, just her split personality gave birth to a fake sister called Alisa. Everything in her design is symbolising mental illness and schizophrenia, a girl trapped in her own subconscious. The grotesque transformation is the insanity that is taking control of her, her mind giving up to losing control. While transforming she is desperate, a victim, but when the pain will be too much she will just give up on the monster in her. The character shows also strong connections with a more famous Alice and the reign of Wonderland. Not only her clothes are really similar to the literary character, but also her house is furnished with cards, cupcakes, and tea sets. Moreover, her monstrous form is similar to a grotesque caterpillar, also a reference to the Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar of Alice in Wonderland. And if this was not enough, the Achievement for completing her level is called Alice in Dead Land.